§ 1122. Contents of stormwater management plan.  

Latest version.
  • A stormwater management plan, when required, shall include sufficient information to evaluate the environmental characteristics of the affected areas, the potential impacts of the proposed development on water resources, and the effectiveness and acceptability of measures proposed for managing stormwater runoff. Said information shall at minimum include a site plan of the proposed land development and building and the following:


    Size and location of existing storm sewers, drains, culverts, or other underground facilities within the tract or within the right-of-way of streets or roads adjoining the tract. Grades and invert elevations of storm sewers shall be shown.


    Location and profiles of all storm drainage pipes and slopes of receiving channels.


    Hydraulic grade lines shall be shown on all pipes that cross streets and on all detention basin outfalls.


    Stormwater detention facility location, design and construction details, including a soils map and investigation for all sites proposed as ponds or impoundments or for stormwater detention. Construction details shall include appropriate access (minimum 20-foot wide access easement), a gravel access drive, fencing with locked gate, and landscaping to screen the installation.


    Location and typical construction details of all inlets and catch basins, headwalls and other drainage structures.


    The 100-year ponding limits above each street cross drain, where provided.


    Hydrologic and hydraulic analysis for the storm drainage system design.


    Construction schedule for both temporary and permanent facilities in relation to the schedule for development activities such as clearing, rough grading, construction, final grading, and vegetation establishment.


    A cost estimate for construction of the stormwater management facilities and an estimate of the annual cost for maintenance of the proposed facilities.


    Specific actions and a schedule of maintenance required to maintain the facilities at a satisfactory level of service, which shall be made a part of the private covenants.

(Ord. No. 17-003 , § 1, 10-2-2017)