§ 1253. Frontage landscape strip.  

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  • (a)



    Minimum width. The minimum width of a frontage landscape strip shall be as specified in table 2-2 of this UDC for the zoning district in which the development site is located, except as otherwise provided in this section.



    Modification of width. The width of a minimum required frontage landscape strip shall typically be uniform across the frontage of the lot; provided, however, the public development department may authorize the width of a minimum required frontage landscape strip to be varied so long as the total area of the frontage landscape strip equals or exceeds the total area that would otherwise be required for the frontage landscape strip. In no event shall a required frontage landscape strip be reduced to less than three feet under the provisions of this paragraph.



    Natural vegetation in lieu of frontage landscape strip. The department of public development may authorize the retention of existing natural vegetation in lieu of a required frontage landscape strip, if retaining existing landscaping would provide an equivalent number of trees and shrubs as required by this section.




    Planting rate. For any frontage landscape strip required by this UDC, trees shall be maintained or planted at the rate of at least one tree unit for every 40 feet of length of street frontage, or portion thereof (excluding driveways), for each ten feet of required landscape strip width.



    Spacing and arrangement. Trees may be spaced in a uniform manner or they may be clustered for a more natural or decorative arrangement.



    Species. Such trees may be hardwoods or softwoods, but must be of a type that is suitable to local growing conditions.


    Minimum size. At the time of planting, trees within required front landscape strips shall have a minimum caliper of at least two inches.


    Credit toward minimum tree density requirements. Trees required to be planted within frontage landscape strips shall be credited toward meeting the minimum tree density requirements of this article for individual development sites. A required front landscape strip shall be the priority location for the planting of trees as may be required to comply with the tree density requirements of this article.




    Rate. Shrubs shall be installed within any required frontage landscape strip at the rate of at least ten shrubs for every 40 feet of length of street frontage, or portion thereof (excluding driveways), for each ten feet of required landscape strip width.


    Minimum size. Shrubs installed within any required frontage landscape strip must be at least 18 inches in height at the time of planting and must be capable of reaching a height of at least two feet at maturity.


    Authorized accessory uses within front landscape strips. The following uses are authorized within frontage landscape strips:


    Driveways and sidewalks. Driveways and sidewalks may be located within a required frontage landscape strip to the extent needed to cross the landscape strip.


    Walls. Retaining walls, and walls or fences authorized by the director of public development for screening or aesthetic effect, may be located in a required frontage landscape strip.


    Signage. If permitted by article 7 of this UDC, a ground sign may be located within a required frontage landscape strip.


    Utilities. Underground utilities may cross a required frontage landscape strip. Fire hydrants shall also be authorized to be located within a required frontage landscape strip.


    Stormwater. Detention ponds shall not be authorized within required frontage landscape strips. However, a land development project that incorporates low impact development principles consistent with the Georgia Stormwater Management Manual (e.g., vegetative swale) may be authorized by the director of public development, consistent with the requirements of article 11 of this UDC. Stormwater best management practices (BMPs) may be applied or incorporated within front landscaping strips, and a front landscaping strip may if appropriate be accepted as a BMP.


    Relationship to utility easements. Where a development site has an existing or proposed utility easement abutting and running parallel or approximately parallel to the right-of-way in the same location as a minimum required frontage landscape strip, the landscape strip shall be relocated interior to the utility easement that abuts and parallels or approximately parallels the right-of-way; provided, however, the public development department may authorize part of the minimum frontage landscape strip be located within the utility easement only if the utility easement owner authorizes the planting of trees and shrubs within the utility easement.


(Ord. No. 17-003 , § 1, 10-2-2017)