§ 1325. Recommendation and decision.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Planning commission recommendation. Unless review and recommendation by the planning commission is waived by the board of commissioners, within a period of 32 calendar days from the date of the planning commission's scheduled public hearing on any such application for the text amendment, the planning commission shall provide a recommendation on the proposed text amendment or elect to make no recommendation. The planning commission may recommend approval or disapproval of the proposed text amendment, or it may recommend modifications of the text amendment originally proposed, or it may elect to make no recommendation.


    Board of commissioners decision. The board of commissioners shall, following a public hearing or thereafter, render a decision on the text amendment. The board of commissioners may approve or disapprove the proposed text amendment as written, or it may approve modifications of the text amendment originally proposed.


    Information. In rendering a recommendation on any text amendment, the planning commission shall consider all information supplied by the public development department. In rendering a decision on any text amendment the board of commissioners shall consider all information supplied by the public development department and the recommendation of the planning commission, as well as any testimony and information accepted during public hearings.

(Ord. No. 17-003 , § 1, 10-2-2017)