§ 1353. Special use application requirements.  

Latest version.
  • Applications for special use shall require submittal of an application requirements specified in this section.


    Application fee as established by resolution of the board of commissioners;


    Application form furnished by the public development director, including signed and notarized signature of property owner;


    Metes and bounds legal description of the property;


    Survey plat of the property;


    Letter of intent describing the proposed use of the property, and including an analysis of how the proposed action compares to decision criteria specified in this division for special uses and a description of any special conditions voluntarily made a part of the request;


    Sketch plan of the property at an appropriate engineering scale prepared by the applicant, a professional engineer, a registered land surveyor, a landscape architect, a land planner or any other person familiar with land development activities showing the following information:


    Name, address, telephone number and e-mail address of the property owner, and of the applicant if different from the property owner;


    If drawn on a boundary survey, the date of survey and source of data;


    Date of sketch plan drawing, and revision dates, if applicable;


    North arrow and graphic engineering scale;


    Location (land district, address, and tax map and parcel number) and size of the property in acres (or in square feet if less than an acre);


    Vicinity map, showing the property in relation to the surrounding area with regard to well-known landmarks such as arterial streets or railroads. Vicinity maps may be drawn in freehand and at a scale sufficient to show clearly the information required. U.S. Geological Survey maps at a scale of one inch equals 2,000 feet may be used for vicinity maps.


    Zoning district classification of the subject property and all adjacent properties;


    Man-made features within and adjacent to the property, including existing streets and names, county and city limit lines, and other significant information such as location of bridges, major utility lines, existing buildings and structures to remain, and other features as appropriate to the nature of the request;


    The proposed project layout, including the approximate location of all buildings, and the location of all minimum building setback lines, outdoor storage areas, buffers, parking areas, driveways, and approximate location of proposed storm water detention facilities;


    Proposed special use and uses of the property;


    A statement as to the source of water supply and the provision for sanitary sewage disposal;


    Statistics regarding the proposed development, such as but not limited to maximum building height, minimum lot size, minimum lot width, building coverage, percentage of landscaped open space, stream and zoning buffers required, and other information demonstrating compliance with the zoning district's dimensional requirements and specific regulations for the special use as required by article III of this UDC, as determined by the public development department;


    A traffic impact study prepared by a professional engineer registered in Georgia shall be required to be submitted for applications for proposed developments that generate 1,000 or more average daily vehicle trips based upon the latest edition of Trip Generation published by the Institute of Transportation Engineers. A traffic study, a hydrology study, and/or other studies of the impact of the proposed special use may be recommended by the public development department or required by the planning commission or the board of commissioners as they may deem necessary for adequate consideration and a fully informed decision on an application for special use; and


    Other information as may be required by the public development department.

(Ord. No. 17-003 , § 1, 10-2-2017)