§ 1375. Sequence and limits.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    When an individual application comes up for hearing, the presiding official may ask for a show of hands of those persons who wish to appear in support of and in opposition to the application. If it appears that the number of persons wishing to appear in support of or in opposition to the application is in excess of that which may reasonably be heard, the presiding official may request that a spokesperson for the group be chosen to make presentations. The presiding official may place reasonable limits on the number of persons who may speak for or against a proposal, on the time allowed for each speaker, and on the total time allowed for presentation of the proposed zoning change or special use application.


    No less than ten minutes will be provided for all of those speaking in support of a zoning change or special use application, and no less than ten minutes will be provided for all of those speaking against; provided, however, that proponents or opponents may take less time than the minimum required in which case the full ten minutes shall not be required to be allotted.


    After any staff presentation on the application, the applicant will be allowed to speak first in order to present the application. The hearing shall be attended by the applicant or representative thereof with authority to make binding commitments to the county with respect to any stipulations that may be offered in connection with such application. Failure to attend the hearing by the applicant or his or her authorized representative may result in the application being continued.


    Each speaker may speak only to the proposed application under consideration and shall address his or her remarks only to the hearing body. Each speaker shall refrain from personal attacks on any other speaker or the discussion of facts or opinions irrelevant to the proposed application under consideration. The presiding official may limit or refuse a speaker the right to continue if, after first being cautioned, the speaker continues to violate this procedure.


    Upon conclusion of the applicant's presentation, others in support of the application may then speak, followed by those in opposition to the application. Those present who are neither opposed or in favor of the application but who have questions will speak during the time afforded the opposition.


    Following the conclusion of speakers in opposition, if some of the ten minutes of applicant's time has reserved for rebuttal, the applicant will then be allowed to use the reserved time for rebuttal, which must be limited to points or issues raised by opponents to the application during the public hearing.


    During the public hearing, any member of the planning commission or board of commissioners as appropriate may upon recognition by the presiding official ask questions of the applicant, staff, or a member speaking at the public hearing. Time devoted to questions and answers will not be counted against any time limitations that have been imposed on presentations.

(Ord. No. 17-003 , § 1, 10-2-2017)