§ 1503. Definitions.  

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    Block: An area of land that is entirely surrounded by streets, public lands, railroad rights-of-way, watercourses, or other well defined and fixed boundaries.

    Condominium plan: A drawing that is required to be recorded prior to the first conveyance of a condominium unit pursuant to O.C.G.A. § 44-3-83(b), including, but not limited to, a condominium floor plan, condominium plot plan, or condominium site plan.

    Cul-de-sac: A dead-end street of limited length having a primary function of serving adjoining land, and constructed with a turnaround at its end.

    Dedication plat: A plat drawn specifically for the purpose of dedicating public right-of-way or land for public use, drawn to meet final plat specifications and following procedures for final plat approval of this article.

    Easement: A grant of one or more of the property rights by the property owner to and/or for use by the public, a corporation, or another person or entity.

    Final plat: The final drawing of a subdivision and, as applicable, dedication, prepared for filing for record with the Clerk of Superior Court of Jackson County, and containing all elements and requirements set forth in this article.


    Homeowners association: An organization formed for the maintenance and operation of the common areas of a subdivision or development, where membership in the association is automatic with the purchase of a dwelling unit or lot within the development, with the ability to legally assess each owner of a dwelling unit or lot and which has authority to place a lien against all dwelling units and lots within the subdivision or development.


    Lot: A parcel or tract of land held in single ownership.

    Lot, corner: A lot abutting upon two or more streets at their intersection.

    Lot depth: The average horizontal distance between the front and rear lot lines.

    Lot, double frontage: A lot other than a corner lot that has frontage upon two or more streets that do not intersect at a point abutting the property.

    Lot, flag: A tract or lot of land of uneven dimensions in which the portion fronting on a street is less than the required minimum width required for construction of a building or structure on that lot.

    Major subdivision: The division of a tract of land into any number of lots, which requires the construction of a new street or the widening of an existing roadway, the provision of stormwater drainage facilities (other than driveway culverts), or the construction or improvement of public utilities; or the division of land into more than five lots, regardless of whether public improvements are involved.

    Metes and bounds: A system of describing and identifying land by a series of lines around the perimeter of an area; "metes" means bearings and distances and "bounds" refers to physical monuments.

    Minor subdivision: The division of a tract of land into five or less lots which does not require public improvements, as defined.

    Preliminary plat: A professional drawing which shows the proposed layout of a subdivision in sufficient detail to indicate its general design. A preliminary plat is prepared by a professional engineer, a registered land surveyor, a landscape architect, a land planner, or any other person professionally familiar with land development and project construction activities. A preliminary plat is not a construction document.

    Professional engineer: An engineer duly registered or otherwise authorized by the State of Georgia to practice in the field of civil engineering.

    Protective covenants: Contracts made between private parties as to the manner in which land may be used, with the view toward protecting and preserving the physical and economic integrity of any given area.

    Public improvement: The construction, enlargement, extension or other construction of a facility intended for dedication to the county or a public utility provider or to a facility already owned by the county, including but not limited to a street, curb and gutter, sidewalk, cross drain, catch basin, other roadway appurtenance, domestic water supply system main, fire hydrant, valve or other water system appurtenance, or sanitary sewerage main or outfall, lift station, force main, manhole or other appurtenance. Utility supply lines to a building are not considered public improvements. Construction of a driveway apron connection shall not be considered a public improvement for purposes of triggering preliminary plat approval.

    Registered land surveyor: A land surveyor licensed and registered to perform the duties of a registered land surveyor (R.L.S.) by the State of Georgia.

    Retracement: A survey, not required to be reviewed and approved by the local jurisdiction prior to filing or recording in the clerk's office, but drawn to specifications required by this article.

    Septic tank: An approved watertight tank designed or used to receive sewage from a building sewer and to affect separation and organic decomposition of sewerage solids, and discharging sewage effluent to an absorption field or other management system.

    Subdivider: Any person who undertakes the subdivision of land, and any person having such a proprietary interest in land to be subdivided as will authorize the maintenance of proceedings to subdivide such land under this UDC, or the authorized agent of such person.


    Subdivision: The division of a property or tract of land into two or more tracts or lots; or a land development project in which two or more lots are created, along with the streets and utilities needed to support construction of buildings on the lots. The word "subdivision" includes re-subdivision and, when appropriate to the context, relates either to the process of subdividing or to the actual land or area which is subdivided.

(Ord. No. 17-003 , § 1, 10-2-2017)