§ 1533. Preliminary plat specifications.  

Latest version.
  • The following specifications are required for a preliminary plat, which shall be submitted as part of the application for development permit:


    Proposed name of subdivision. The proposed name of the subdivision shall not duplicate or too closely approximate, phonetically, the name of any other subdivision in the city or county. If shown to the contrary, the public development department may refuse to accept such subdivision name.


    Plat scale and sheet size. The preliminary plat shall be clearly and legibly drawn at a scale of 100 feet or less to one inch. The recommended maximum dimensions of the sheet size is 36 inches by 48 inches and the minimum dimensions of 17 inches by 22 inches; however, the public development department may approve other sheet sizes and scales as appropriate.


    Owner and professional contact information. Name, mailing address, telephone and fax numbers and e-mail address of the property owner and the professional preparing the preliminary plat.


    Miscellaneous. Date of boundary survey, north point and graphic scale, source of data, date of plan drawing, and, if any, revision dates.



    Location and tract boundaries. Location (including militia district) and size of the property in acres (or in square feet if less than an acre), and the external boundaries of the tract to be subdivided or developed shown by bearings and distances. The preliminary plat must reference and be based on a boundary survey of the exterior boundaries of the proposed subdivision, prepared by a registered land surveyor.



    Vicinity map. A location map of the property in relation to the surrounding area with regard to well-known landmarks such as arterial streets, railroads, and major water courses.


    Abutting property information. Names of adjoining property owners per recorded deeds, zoning district of all adjoining properties, and if applicable overlay district designations of all adjoining properties.


    Prior subdivision. Name of former approved subdivision, if any, for all of the land in the preliminary plat that has been previously subdivided, showing boundaries of same.


    Zoning. Zoning district boundaries and zoning designation(s) of the subject property and, if applicable, overlay district and environmental overly district boundaries.


    Application number and conditions. Rezoning, special use, and variance application number, date of approval, and conditions of approval, if applicable.


    Natural features and flood plains. Natural features within the property, including topographic contours at no less than five-foot intervals, drainage channels, bodies of water, wetlands, streams with required buffer designated, wooded areas and other significant natural features such as groundwater recharge areas and rock outcroppings. On all water courses entering or leaving the property, the direction of flow shall be indicated. The 100-year flood plain, if any, shall be delineated.



    Streets, easements, political boundaries and built features. Man-made features within and adjacent to the property, including street right-of-way and pavement widths, names of existing streets, all easements, city and county political boundary lines, and other significant information such as location and dimensions of bridges, existing buildings to remain, and other features.


    Subdivision block and lot layout. The proposed subdivision layout including lot lines and street right-of-way lines, with proposed street names or letter designations and right-of-way widths, along with the front building setback line and the approximate dimensions of the length and width of each lot. The total number of lots in the subdivision and the total acreage in the tract to be subdivided shall be indicated. Lots shall be numbered consecutively in a clockwise fashion, and the approximate land area of each lot shall be indicated for each lot. The proposed phasing of the subdivision shall be indicated, if it is proposed to be platted in phases.


    Water and sewage disposal. A statement as to the source of the domestic water supply and provisions for sanitary sewage disposal. For those properties that will not be served by a public sanitary sewerage system, location and results of soil tests or percolation tests as required and approved by the Jackson County Environmental Health Department.


    Stormwater management. The approximate location of proposed storm water detention facilities. Compliance with stormwater management requirements of this UDC will be required for the issuance of a development permit.


    Public land reservations. In addition to public streets, the preliminary plat shall indicate land if any to be dedicated for public use.


    Additional information. Additional information as may be required by the public development director to ensure compliance with this article and this UDC.


    Approval. Approval of a development permit for the proposed subdivision shall constitute approval of the preliminary plat.

(Ord. No. 17-003 , § 1, 10-2-2017)