§ 1564. Additional plat data required locally.  

Latest version.
  • In addition to the requirements of state law and state rules and regulations, all plats shall including the following additional information:


    Street names. Street names including both the name and the suffix, such as "street," "avenue," etc.


    Location sketch or vicinity map. A hand-drawn or map reproduction, whether or not to an engineering scale, showing the subject property in context of a larger area. Typical scale when a scale is used, is one inch equals 2,000 feet.



    Road centerlines, pavement widths and radii. The centerline of all roads within or adjacent to the subdivision, and the exact pavement width of the road or roads abutting the subject property and within the subdivision. For cul-de-sacs, both the right-of-way radius and the pavement radius shall be shown. In addition, the right-of-way and pavement radii of all street intersections shall be shown.


    Lot and block identifiers. Lots numbered in numerical order and blocks lettered alphabetically.


    Addresses. Prior to recording, the street address number shall be shown on each lot as assigned by the department of emergency services.


    Building setbacks. Front building setback lines with dimensions as to length across each lot and distance from the street right-of-way.


    Flood hazard area note. A note indicating whether or not the property is located within a 100-year flood plain, as designated on Federal Emergency Management Agency Flood Insurance Rate Maps, along with the community map panel number and effective date.


    Dedications and common areas. Any areas to be reserved, donated, or dedicated to public use and common use shall be shown along with their acreage. If streets are to be dedicated, the total linear distance of streets to be dedicated shall be indicated on the plat.


    Private covenants. Statement of and reference to private covenants, conditions and restrictions, if any.


    Other data. The public development department may require that additional information be shown on the final plat, including but not limited to the existing zoning district and if applicable zoning conditions, zoning overlay and/or environmental overlay district, if applicable, variances if applicable, required stream buffers and zoning buffers, and wetlands.

(Ord. No. 17-003 , § 1, 10-2-2017)