§ 1565. Locally required plat certifications.  

Latest version.
  • The following certifications shall be required for final plats, as applicable:


    Owner's certification. A certificate signed by the owner directly on the final plat, as follows:

    "The owner of the land shown on this plat and whose name is subscribed hereto, certifies that that he/she is the fee simple absolute owner of the land shown on this plat and that all state, city and county taxes or other assessments now due on this land have been paid.


    Signed, sealed and delivered
    in the presence of:

    Notary Public"


    Certificate of approval and signature block. The following certification of approval and signature block shall be provided on the plat:

    "Pursuant to the Unified Development Code of Jackson County and all requirements of approval having been fulfilled, this final plat was given final approval by the Jackson County Director of Public Development or designee and it is entitled to be recorded in the Clerk's Office, Jackson County Superior Court."

    ___________ ______
    Signature, Director of Public Development or designee Date"



    Certificate of dedication. If the subdivision involves the dedication of land or streets to the public, the following certification shall be provided on the plat:

    The owner dedicates to the public for use forever the street right-of-way(s) and/or other public dedications shown on this plat, as follows:

    Street right-of-way(s): _____ linear feet and _____ acres.

    Other: _____ acres.

    A dedication is not final until acceptance of the warranty deed by resolution of the Jackson County Board of Commissioners per Division VII of the Unified Development Code.


    Signed, sealed and delivered
    in the presence of:

    Notary Public"


    Health department certificate. If the subdivision involves an on-site sewage management system or community water system, the following certification shall be provided on the plat:

    "This final plat has been approved by the Jackson County Health Department as being consistent with applicable state and local environmental health requirements.

    ___________ ______
    Signature, Director, Jackson County Health Department Date"


    For a minor subdivision, the Public Development Director may waive the requirement to include a signed health department certificate on a final plat; provided, however, that if the lot(s) included in the final plat of a minor subdivision are to be served by an on-site sewage management system (septic tank), in lieu of said certification the final plat shall contain the following note: "Each lot must be reviewed and approved by the Jackson County Environmental Health Department for on-site sewage management system placement prior to the issuance of a building permit."


    Engineer's utility certificate. If the subdivision involves water and/or sanitary sewer lines to be dedicated, the following certification shall be provided on the plat:

    "The civil engineer responsible for the design and oversight of construction of water and/or sewer lines within this subdivision to be dedicated, hereby certifies that said water and sewer lines have been constructed and inspected as being in accordance with the standard specifications of the utility provider(s) and the requirements of the Jackson County Unified Development Code:

    ___________ ______
    Signature, Name of Professional Engineer
    (affix seal)



    Utility dedication certificate. If the subdivision involves water and/or sanitary sewer lines to be dedicated, the following certification shall be provided on the plat:

    "The owner hereby dedicates to the Jackson County Water and Sewerage Authority forever the water and sanitary sewer lines within easements or within street rights-of-ways shown on this plat, as follows:

    Water lines: _____ linear feet.

    Sanitary sewer lines: _____ linear feet.


    Signed, sealed and delivered
    in the presence of:

    Notary Public"


    Temporary utility easement dedication.

    "The subdivider hereby dedicates temporary easements to the Jackson County Water and Sewerage Authority within proposed rights-of-ways containing water and/or sewer lines to be dedicated, until such rights-of-ways are accepted by resolution of the Board of Commissioners."


    Signed, sealed and delivered
    in the presence of:

    Notary Public"


    Utility easement dedication. If easements for water and/or sewer are included in the subdivision but located outside of right-of-way to be dedicated, the subdivider shall include the following easement dedication statement:

    The subdivider hereby dedicates utility easements to the Jackson County Water and Sewerage Authority as shown on this final plat."


    Signed, sealed and delivered
    in the presence of:

    Notary Public"


    Utility acceptance of dedication. If the subdivision involves water and/or sanitary sewer lines to be dedicated, the following certification shall be provided on the plat:

    "The Jackson County Water and Sewerage Authority hereby accepts the water and/or sanitary sewer lines within easements or within street rights-of-ways shown on this plat:

    ___________ ______
    Signature, Jackson County Water and Sewerage Authority Date"


    The exact language of the plat certifications specified in this section may be changed to match the requirements of the utility provider or health department, as may be appropriate and as approved by the public development department.

(Ord. No. 17-003 , § 1, 10-2-2017)