§ 1567. Purchaser's acknowledgement for lot served by private street.  

Latest version.
  • Prior to the sale or as a condition of the closing of a real estate transaction involving any lot served by a private street in the county, the subdivider or seller shall ensure that the purchaser of said lot shall execute a notarized purchaser's acknowledgement of private street construction and drainage maintenance responsibilities as set forth below. A copy of the purchaser's acknowledgement shall be retained by the purchaser and shall be required to be submitted as a condition of a building permit for a principal building on said lot.

    "Purchaser's Acknowledgement of Private Street and Drainage Maintenance Responsibility.

    (I) (We) have read the Declaration of Covenant which pertains to the lot that is the subject of this real estate transaction ___________ (insert address or attach legal description). (I) (We) understand that the Declaration of Covenant applies to the lot that (I am) (we are) purchasing and requires (me) (us) to provide a specified percentage or amount of the financing for the construction and maintenance of any private street and drainage facilities serving the lot which (I am) (we are) purchasing, and that owners of other lots in this plat may sue for and recover those costs which this covenant requires (me) (us) to pay, plus their damages resulting from (my) (our) refusal to contribute, plus reasonable attorney's fees. (I) (we) further understand that the County has no obligation to assist with the maintenance and improvement of the private street, drainage facilities, and other appurtenances within the general purpose public access and utility easement for the private road serving the lot in question. I (we) understand that a copy of this purchaser's acknowledgement shall be required as a condition of the issuance of a building permit for a principal building on the lot (I am) (we are) purchasing.



    A reference to this requirement to execute a purchaser's acknowledgment prior to the sale of any lot served by a private street shall also appear in the recorded. covenants, conditions, and restrictions for the subdivision.

(Ord. No. 17-003 , § 1, 10-2-2017)