§ 1572. Process for review and approval of a final plat.  

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  • Upon completion of all requirements, the subdivider or property owner can file an application for final plat approval. The procedures for final plat review and action shall be as specified in this section.


    Review for completeness and application acceptance. The public development department shall review the final plat application for completeness within no more than thirty calendar days from the posted submission deadline. Incomplete applications will not be processed and will be returned to the applicant.


    Distribution and agency review of final plat. The public development department may forward a copy of the final plat application to other county departments as may be appropriate, the Georgia Department of Transportation if the proposed subdivision has frontage on or proposes access to a state or federal road. The applicant shall be required to obtain approval from the Jackson County Environmental Health Department if septic tanks are proposed within a major subdivision, and public utility providers in cases where connection to public water and/or sewer is proposed or required.


    Time period for completion of review. Except for final plats that have frontage on or propose access to a state or federal road which require review by the Georgia Department of Transportation (which require a 30-day review period), within no more than 25 calendar work days following receipt of a complete final plat application, during which agency review shall be completed, the public development department shall indicate on the final plat or in writing all comments related to compliance with this article and the UDC. The department shall provide all comments to the applicant for resolution, who shall work with each department as necessary to resolve all issues.


    Action. When the department of public development has determined that the final subdivision plat is in compliance with the approved preliminary plat for the subdivision (if applicable) and the requirements of this UDC and consistent with the comprehensive plan, it shall be approved. The owner shall be responsible for compliance with all codes, regulations, and zoning requirements and for the satisfaction of all the noted and written comments. If it is determined that the final plat is not in compliance with the requirements of this UDC, the department shall disapprove the final plat. Action must be taken by the department to approve, conditionally approve, or disapprove the final plat application within no more than 45 days from receipt of a completed application.

(Ord. No. 17-003 , § 1, 10-2-2017)