§ 221. CRC, Community Retail Commercial District.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Purpose and intent. The CRC zoning district is established to provide locations for office, commercial and service uses that serve several neighborhoods or a portion of the county. Uses within this zoning district are more intensive than neighborhood retail commercial zoning districts, and should be located at the perimeter of residential areas and along major thoroughfares. The CRC district is intended to accommodate a range of commercial, retail, service and office uses at a community scale of geography including: medical office developments, banking and financial institutions, professional offices, community retail and services, and larger retailers. The CRC zoning district is intended to be compatible with and implement the suburban and urban character areas described in the comprehensive plan, and it is intended to implement the commercial and master-planned mixed use (urban) categories of the future land use plan as provided in the comprehensive plan.


    Permitted and special uses. Permitted and special uses shall be as specified in table 2-1, "Use Regulations for Zoning Districts."


    Dimensional requirements. Height, setback, lot area, density, intensity, and other requirements for development within the zoning district shall be as specified in table 2-2, "Dimensional Requirements for Zoning Districts."

(Ord. No. 17-003 , § 1, 10-2-2017)