§ 223. LI, Light Industrial District.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Purpose and intent. The LI zoning district is established to provide locations for office, business park, light manufacturing and distribution/service facilities that are located alongside or have ready access to a major collector or arterial street. Light manufacturing facilities do not include heavy manufacturing or the conversion of raw materials into finished products. Light manufacturing uses shall generally consist of establishments for processing, assembling, fabricating, preparing, distributing, cleaning, servicing, testing, or repairing of materials, goods or products. This zoning district does not permit any business requiring a permit from the Georgia Department of Natural Resources for the handling or storage of hazardous materials. The LI zoning district is intended to be compatible with and implement the urban character area described in the comprehensive plan, and it is intended to implement the industrial category of the future land use plan as provided in the comprehensive plan.


    Permitted and special uses. Permitted and special uses shall be as specified in table 2-1, "Use Regulations for Zoning Districts."


    Dimensional requirements. Height, setback, lot area, density, intensity, and other requirements for development within the zoning district shall be as specified in table 2-2, "Dimensional Requirements for Zoning Districts."

(Ord. No. 17-003 , § 1, 10-2-2017)