§ 3-026. Church or place of worship.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Location. A church shall not be authorized to be constructed or established within the boundaries of a major subdivision platted for single-family detached dwellings, unless the lot on which the church is to be located is designated as "institutional" on the future land use plan of the Jackson County comprehensive plan.


    Parsonage. A church or place of worship that constitutes the only principal use on the lot shall be permitted one residence as an accessory use, with its customary accessory uses, for the housing of the pastor, priest, minister, rabbi, etc.; provided that if the residence is a stand-alone unit it shall be separated by a minimum of 15 feet from other buildings on the lot.


    School or day care. A church or place of worship shall be permitted a school or day care center as an accessory use.


    Cemetery. A church or place of worship that constitutes the only principal use on the lot shall be permitted to have a cemetery as an accessory use.


    Community food or housing shelter. One community food or housing shelter is an authorized accessory use to a church or place of worship, subject to the requirements of section 3-033 of this UDC.


    Community donation center. A church or place of worship may operate a community donation center, subject to compliance with section 3-032 of this UDC.


    Recreational fields. A church or place of worship that constitutes the only principal use on the lot shall be permitted to have unlighted recreational fields; lighted recreational fields accessory to a church or place of worship shall require special use approval.

(Ord. No. 17-003 , § 1, 10-2-2017)