§ 3-066. Guest house.  

Latest version.
  • All guest houses, as defined, shall comply with the following requirements.


    Reference to other requirements. Guest houses must meet building code requirements and the standards for a dwelling unit as specified in section 3-048 of this UDC, except for the minimum building floor area.


    Water and sewer. The water supply and sanitary sewage disposal system for the lot must be certified by the Jackson County Environmental Health Department as adequate to support the guest house in combination with the principal dwelling.


    Number. No more than one guest house shall be permitted on any lot.


    Location. The guest house shall be erected only in the rear yard of the lot.


    Maximum floor area. The heated floor area of the guest house shall not exceed 50 percent of the heated floor area of the principal dwelling. A guest house in a residential district that exceeds 1,000 square feet of building floor area shall require approval of a special exception by the board of adjustment prior to commencing construction.


    Use and occupancy. A guest house shall be used only by the occupants of the principal dwelling on the lot, their non-paying guests, or live-in domestic employees. A guest house shall not be rented.


    No manufactured home. A manufactured home shall not be permissible as a guest house.


    Architectural compatibility and plans. A guest house shall be architecturally compatible with the principal dwelling on the lot. The public development director must approve professionally drawn architectural plans of the guest house prior to issuance of a building permit. If the guest house exceeds 1,000 square feet of building floor area, the architectural plans shall also require approval by the board of adjustment as part of the special exception process required by this section.


    Additional restriction. A guest house shall not be authorized as an accessory use to a manufactured home.

(Ord. No. 17-003 , § 1, 10-2-2017)