§ 3-068. Home occupation.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Generally. In zoning districts where permitted, a home occupation may be established in a dwelling in accordance with the requirements of this section. No more than two home occupations may be established in a single dwelling.


    Maximum floor area. The gross floor area of a dwelling unit devoted to a home occupation shall not exceed 1,000 square feet, or 25 percent of the gross floor area of the dwelling, whichever is greater. This building floor area applies to the aggregate floor area of all areas devoted to the home occupation, whether located within the dwelling or where authorized in an accessory building.


    Accessory building. An accessory building may be used for, or in connection with, a home occupation, except in R-1, R-2, and R-3 zoning districts.


    Appearance. The exterior appearance of the dwelling must remain that of a dwelling. There shall be no indication that the business activity is taking place from the exterior. There shall be no activity associated with the home occupation that is visible outside the dwelling.


    External alterations. No external alterations inconsistent with the residential use of the building shall be permitted.


    Display, stock-in-trade, sales, and storage. There shall be no display of goods or stock in connection with a home occupation. There shall be no merchandise, stock-in-trade, or commodity sold, exchanged or stored on the premises.


    Receipt and shipping of goods. Except by U.S. mail and commercial parcel service, the transporting of goods by truck in connection with a home occupation is prohibited. There shall be no goods, products or commodities received on the premises intended for resale or delivery to customers except by U.S. Mail or parcel service. There shall be no more than ten deliveries or shipping out by commercial carrier per month of items produced or received by the occupant in connection with the home occupation.


    Vehicles and parking. Only vehicles used primarily as passenger vehicles shall be permitted in connection with the conduct of the home occupation; this specifically excludes a wrecker, dump truck, flat-bed truck, tow truck, or any truck with more than six wheels or more than two axles. Vehicles kept on site in association with the home occupation shall be used by residents only, except for the parking of employees as may be permitted by this section. Incoming vehicles related to the home occupation, if any, shall at all times be parked off-street within the confines of the residential driveway or other on-site permitted parking.


    Equipment, off-site impacts, and nuisances. No home occupation shall generate traffic, sound, smell, vibration, light, or dust that is offensive or that creates a nuisance. No equipment that interferes with radio and/or television reception shall be allowed. Home occupations must exclude the use of machinery or equipment that emit sound (e.g., saws, drills, musical instruments, etc.) that is detectable beyond the property. Chemical, electrical, or mechanical equipment that is not normally a part of domestic or household equipment and which is used primarily for commercial purposes shall not be permitted.


    Signage. There shall be no signs permitted in conjunction with a home occupation, although this shall not preclude the property owner from erecting signs permitted on the lot pursuant to article 7 of this UDC.


    Employees. Only occupants of the dwelling and one additional full-time employee or two part-time employees shall be authorized to work on the premises in connection with a home occupation.


    Uses specifically prohibited. The following uses are specifically prohibited as home occupations: auto sales or auto repair; restaurants; animal hospitals, veterinary clinics; funeral homes; retail or wholesale shops; machine shops; personal service occupations such as a barber shop, beauty shop, hairdresser or similar activities; special event facilities; and lodging services.


    Approval. All home occupations shall be require filing an application which is subject to the public development director's approval. A site plan of the lot on which a home occupation is proposed may be required by the public development director, along with information describing the nature of the home occupation. Except for uses specifically prohibited, applications for home occupation approval that demonstrate compliance with all requirements of this section shall be approved by the director. The director may place conditions of approval on any application for home occupation approval.


    License. Any occupational tax license required by the county must be obtained. No occupational tax license shall be issued by the county for a home occupation unless authorized by the public development department.


    Modifications by special use permit. The provisions of this section may be modified or varied pursuant to application by the property owner for a special use, according to procedures specified in article 13 of this UDC.

(Ord. No. 17-003 , § 1, 10-2-2017)