§ 3-087. Mixed-use building.  

Latest version.
  • In zoning districts where permitted, mixed-use buildings are subject to the following requirements:


    Commercial uses authorized. Any commercial use permitted in the zoning district in which the lot is located is allowable in a mixed-use building.


    Minimum building height. A mixed-use building shall contain at least two stories in building height.


    Intensity of building floor area per acre (FAR). Mixed-use buildings, including residential and non-residential space, are limited to the maximum nonresidential intensity (floor to area ratio or FAR) for the zoning district in which it is located as provided in table 2-2 of this UDC.


    Minimum nonresidential floor area. At least 50 percent of the floor area mixed-use building shall be devoted to nonresidential uses.


    Ground-level commercial. At least 50 percent of the ground floor area shall be occupied by nonresidential uses.


    Access to residential units. Residential uses above the first-floor retail or other nonresidential uses shall have an entryway to each unit, or a hallway serving one or more units. which connects to a stairway opening directly to the outside at street level.


    Parking. Parking for mixed-use buildings is prohibited in front of the building (except for on-street parking if authorized).


    Modification of dimensional requirements. The dimensional requirements for the zoning district in which the building is located, as specified in table 2-2, may be modified for a mixed-use building as follows:


    Front setbacks for principal buildings for the zoning district as specified in table 2-2 may be reduced to 50 percent of the minimum required front setback for a mixed-use building.


    Minimum landscaped open space for the zoning district as specified in table 2-2 may be reduced to 50 percent of the required minimum for a lot containing a mixed-use building.

(Ord. No. 17-003 , § 1, 10-2-2017)