§ 3-116. Solar energy system, building mounted.  

Latest version.
  • A building-mounted solar energy system shall be subject to the following regulations:




    No solar energy system shall be mounted or affixed to any freestanding wall or fence.


    Panels and building mounts shall be installed per manufacturer's specifications.


    In residential zoning districts, a solar energy system for aesthetic reasons shall not be located on the front slope of a pitched roof of a principal residential structure unless no other location for the solar energy equipment is feasible. The county may require sun and shadow diagrams specific to the installation to ensure compliance with this provision.


    Height. Building-mounted solar panels or systems shall not exceed four feet above the height of any principal building on the site.


    Permits and code compliance. A building permit shall be required for installation of all building-mounted solar energy systems, except for flush-mounted panels.

(Ord. No. 17-003 , § 1, 10-2-2017)