§ 440. Driveways.  

Latest version.
  • Unless the driveway connects with a state route and is governed by more restrictive requirements of the Georgia Department of Transportation for driveways, all driveways shall conform to the following requirements.


    Location precluded. Driveways shall not be permitted within the controlled access zone of an intersection (see figure 2).



    Minimum number of vehicular access points. The minimum number of vehicular access points for nonresidential development shall be as follows:

    Number of Required Parking Spaces Serving Nonresidential Development Minimum Number of Vehicular Access Points to Public Streets
    Less than 50 1
    50 to 299 2
    300 to 999 3
    1,000 or more 4



    Access for outparcels. Outparcels with less than 200 feet of road frontage are restricted to access from within the commercial or industrial development only.


    Driveways at signalized intersection. Driveways connecting with a collector or arterial road that are served with a traffic signal must have at least two outbound lanes and one inbound lane with a minimum width of 11 feet per lane.


    Driveway grades. Except for single-family and two-family residences, driveway grades shall conform to the requirements of the Georgia Department of Transportation Regulations for Driveway and Encroachment Control.


    Driveway alignment. Except where driveways are on opposite sides of a raised median, driveways on opposite sides of a street shall either directly align or have offsets of a minimum of 125 feet, as measured between the extended centerlines of such driveways. Whenever possible, driveways on undivided arterial, collector, or local streets should align with driveways (if any) on the opposite side of such street. On a divided arterial street that includes a median, driveways should align with median breaks whenever possible. Driveways not meeting this standard shall be limited to right turn in and right turn out only.


    Driveway throat length. The driveway "throat length" (i.e., distance between the driveway intersection and the first turning movement interior to the development) for a commercial or industrial development shall meet the following applicable minimum requirement: provided, however, that the director of public development shall be authorized to reduce the minimum required throat length for driveways with right turns only by one-third of the applicable requirement, for good cause shown (see figure 3).

    Minimum Driveway Throat Length by Land Use

    Land Use Minimum Driveway
    Throat Length (Feet)
    Residential 40
    Institutional 40
    Commercial 50
    Industrial 85



(Ord. No. 17-003 , § 1, 10-2-2017)