§ 448. Landscaping.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Development within the East and West Jackson Corridor Overlay Districts shall comply with the following landscaping requirements in addition to those landscaping requirements generally applicable to the development as provided in article 12 of this UDC.


    The minimum width of landscape strips abutting a public or private access street shall be 15 feet. The landscape strip shall be planted with one shrub for each five feet of landscape strip frontage and street trees which shall be spaced at approved intervals depending on the type and size of tree planted, as provided in the list of approved tree species provided below.


    The public development department may, upon application, approve different species than those listed in this section, provided that the applicant for modification of approved tree species submits a proposed plan showing desired placement, prepared and stamped by a registered landscape architect, and which includes a planting list with common names, minimum size, and required spacing.


    No more than 25 percent of the trees installed in a development may be of any one genus. No more than 50 percent of the street trees used in a single development shall be of the small tree species.

    Approved Species with Required Spacing and Permitted Placement East and West Jackson Corridor Overlay Districts
    Scientific Name Common Name Required Spacing on Center Permitted Placement
    Acer palmatum Japanese Red Maple 20 Feet Landscape strip, parking and under power lines
    Acer rubrum Red Maple 40 Feet Buffer, landscape strip, and parking
    Acer saccharum Sugar Maple 40 Feet Buffer, landscape strip, and parking
    Amelanchier abroea Serviceberry 20 Feet Landscape strip, parking and under power lines
    Betula nigra River Birch 50 Feet Buffer
    Carya illinoensis Pecan 50 Feet Buffer
    Carya laciniosa Shellbark Hickory 40 Feet Buffer, landscape strip, and parking
    Castanea mollissima Chinese Chestnut 50 Feet Buffer
    Cercis canadensis Eastern Redbud 30 Feet Landscape strip, parking and under power lines
    Cotinus coggygria Smoketree 10 Feet Landscape strip, parking and under power lines
    Crataegus phaenopyrum Washington Hawthorn 20 Feet Landscape strip and parking
    Cupressocyparis leylandii Leyland Cypress 20 Feet Buffer
    Faqus grandifoila American Beech 40 Feet Buffer, landscape strip, and parking
    Fraxinas Pennsylvania Green Ash 20 Feet Buffer, landscape strip, and parking
    Fraxinus americana White Ash 50 Feet Buffer
    Halesia tetraptera Carolina Silverbell 20 Feet Buffer, landscape strip, and parking
    Juniperus virginiana Eastern Red Cedar 20 Feet Buffer
    Koelreuteria paniculata Goldenraintree 30 Feet Buffer, landscape strip, and parking
    Lagerstroemia indica Crape Myrtle 10 Feet Landscape strip, parking and under power lines
    Liquidambar styraciflua American Sweetgum 40 Feet Buffer, landscape strip, and parking
    Liriodenendron tulipifera Yellow Poplar 40 Feet Buffer, landscape strip, and parking
    Magnolia grandiflora Southern Magnolia 40 Feet Buffer, landscape strip, and parking
    Magnolia stellata Centennial Star Magnolia 10 Feet Landscape strip, parking and under power lines
    Magnolia virginiana Sweetbay Magnolia 10 Feet Landscape strip, parking and under power lines
    Magnolia x soulangeana Saucer Magnolia 20 Feet Landscape strip, parking and under power lines
    Malus sargentii Sargent Crabapple 10 Feet Landscape strip, parking and under power lines
    Malus snowdrift Snowdrift Crabapple 20 Feet Landscape strip, parking and under power lines
    Metasequoia glyptostroboides Dawn Redwood 20 Feet Buffer
    Nyssa sylvatica Black Gum 20 Feet Buffer, landscape strip, and parking
    Oxydendrum Sourwood 20 Feet Buffer, landscape strip, and parking
    Pinus strobes White Pine 30 Feet Buffer
    Plantanus racemosa California Sycamore 50 Feet Buffer
    Quercus accutissima Sawtooth Oak 50 Feet Buffer
    Quercus alba White Oak 60 Feet Buffer
    Quercus falcata Southern Red Oak 40 Feet Buffer, landscape strip, and parking
    Quercus palustris Pin Oak 30 Feet Buffer, landscape strip, and parking
    Quercus phellos Willow Oak 30 Feet Buffer, landscape strip, and parking
    Quercus prinus Chestnut Oak 60 Feet Buffer
    Querous shumardi Shumard Oak 50 Feet Buffer
    Querus coccinea Scarlet Oak 40 Feet Buffer, landscape strip, and parking
    Sequoia sempervirens Coast Redwood 50 Feet Buffer
    Taxodium disticum Baldcypress 20 Feet Buffer
    Tsufa candensis Canadian Hemlock 30 Feet Buffer
    Ulmus parvifolia Lacebark Elm 40 Feet Buffer, landscape strip, and parking
    Xelkova serrara Japanese Zelkova 50 Feet Buffer


(Ord. No. 17-003 , § 1, 10-2-2017)