§ 612. Access required.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    A publicly approved street meeting the requirements of this article shall serve every development and every lot within a subdivision, unless otherwise specifically provided in this article.


    Every development and every major subdivision shall have access to the public street system via a standard county road.


    Access improvements such as deceleration lanes, dedicated left-turning lanes, center turn lanes, merge lanes, signalization, etc., required as deemed necessary for safe traffic operations by the public development director shall be installed at all entrance roads into a development or major subdivision. These requirements are in addition to, not in lieu of, requirements for improving roads as specified in section 617 of this article. The director shall use the Georgia Department of Transportation Regulations for Driveway and Encroachment Control, Revision 4.0, dated March 15, 2016, section 4.9, "Auxiliary Turn Lanes," as may be amended from time to time, as a basis for determining whether deceleration lanes and other lanes are required; unless otherwise determined appropriate by the director, if the DOT driveway regulations would require an improvement if the road were a state route, the director shall require the same such improvements which are as follows.


    Right-turn deceleration lanes. Right turn deceleration lanes must be constructed at no cost to the county if the daily site generated right turn volumes (RTV) based on the institute of transportation engineers' publication Trip Generation (assuming a reasonable distribution of entry volumes) meet or exceed the values shown in the table below:

    Posted Speed (miles per hour) Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT)
    2 Lane Routes More than 2-Lanes on Main Road
    < 6,000 > or = 6,000 < 10,000 > or = 10,000
    35 or less 200 RTV daily 100 RTV daily 200 RTV daily 100 RTV daily
    40 to 50 150 RTV daily 75 RTV daily 150 RTV daily 75 RTV daily
    55 to 60 100 RTV daily 50 RTV daily 100 RTV daily 50 RTV daily
    > or = 65 Always Always Always Always



    Left-turn lanes. Left turn lanes must be constructed at no cost to the county if the daily site generated left turn volumes (LTV) based on the institute of transportation engineers' publication Trip Generation (assuming a reasonable distribution of entry volumes) meet or exceed the values shown in the table below:

    Posted Speed (miles per hour) Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT)
    2 Lane Routes More than 2-Lanes on Main Road
    < 6,000 > or = 6,000 < 10,000 > or = 10,000
    35 or less 300 LTV daily 200 LTV daily 400 LTV daily 300 LTV daily
    40 to 50 250 LTV daily 175 LTV daily 325 LTV daily 250 LTV daily
    55 or over 200 LTV daily 150 LTV daily 250 LTV daily 200 LTV daily



    A single entrance road to a subdivision shall serve no more than 99 lots. Where the property configuration prohibits or makes impractical the installation of more than one entrance, the board of adjustment may waive this requirement following sound engineering practice. When more than one entrance is required, the first additional entrance shall be provided to serve up to an additional 150 lots, and each additional entrance thereafter shall be provided for each additional 250 lots.

(Ord. No. 17-003 , § 1, 10-2-2017)