§ 619. Inter-parcel pedestrian access.  

Latest version.
  • New commercial or multi-family residential development that abuts a planned, new or existing multi-family residential property or commercial property shall provide a sidewalk connecting the two uses, unless the public development director determines that it is unnecessary to provide inter-parcel pedestrian access due to the unlikelihood of patrons walking among two or more existing or proposed uses on abutting or nearby sites. This provision shall require such developments to construct the required sidewalk to the property line so that it may be continued by the adjacent development for future connectivity.


    Internal to each building site, non-single-family residential developments shall provide safe routes of pedestrian access between points of departure and destinations. Such provisions for pedestrian access shall be shown on plans, including site plans for development permits and building permits.


    When multiple buildings are proposed, they shall be linked with on-site pedestrian walkways.


    All walkways internal to the site shall be a minimum of five feet wide.


    The internal sidewalk system shall connect to the public sidewalk system along streets and highways, where it exists or is planned.

(Ord. No. 17-003 , § 1, 10-2-2017)