§ 844. Development plan specifications.  

Latest version.
  • Development plans shall contain the following (on one or more sheets):


    Scale. Plans shall be clearly and legibly drawn at an engineering scale convenient to illustrate the details of the project. Sheet size shall not exceed 36 inches by 42 inches. Plan and profile sheets, if any, shall have a horizontal scale of no less than one inch to 100 feet and a vertical scale of no less than one inch to ten feet. The public development department may approve deviations from these required scales when appropriate.


    Project boundary. Plans shall be based on the boundaries of a lot as shown on a recorded plat, or if not yet subdivided and recorded, on a boundary survey delineating the entirety of the property contained within the project. Boundary lines of the perimeter of the tract shall be indicated by a heavy line giving lengths to the nearest one-hundredth of a foot and bearings to the nearest second.


    Adjoining property information. Provide all adjoining property owners, subdivision names, lot numbers, lot lines, and block letters, and zoning.


    Project name and phase. The name of the project shall be indicated. If the project is located within a subdivision, the name of the subdivision, lot, and block number must also be shown. If the development project is part of a phased development or master-planned development, identify the unit number, division, phase, or stage of development.


    Zoning and prior approvals. The existing zoning of the project site, and reference if applicable to conditions of zoning, variance, special use, or other permissions including case numbers and dates of approval.


    Owner and developer. Name, address, telephone number, and e-mail address of the owner of record, and of the developer (if not the owner).


    Professional contacts. Name, address, and telephone number of each professional firm associated with the site development plans (engineer, landscape architect, etc.).


    Map requisites. Date of survey, north point, and graphic scale, source of datum, date of plan drawing, and space for revision dates.


    Use. Proposed use of the site, including gross square footage for each different use type or building.


    Location references. Location, district, land lot(s) and parcel(s) acreage or area in square feet.


    Location sketch. A location sketch locating the development in relation to the surrounding area with regard to well-known landmarks such as major thoroughfares or railroads. Sketches may be drawn in freehand and at a scale sufficient to show clearly the information required, but not less than one inch equal to 2,000 feet. U.S. Geological Survey quadrangle maps may be used as a reference guide for the location sketch.


    Buildings, access, and parking. Size, location, and elevation of all proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain or to be demolished, and minimum required building setback lines, the location parking and loading areas, driveways, curb cuts and where required designated fire lanes. Each building shall be identified with a number or letter. See article 6 of this UDC for access, driveway, and parking requirements.


    Topography and grading. Existing contour lines based on sea level datum shall be drawn at intervals of not more than two feet and shall include the entire site and all abutting public streets. Contour lines shall be based on field surveys or photogrammetric methods from aerial photographs. The basis for the topographic contour shown shall be specified and dated. Grading plans shall show proposed contours. Grading shall be performed in accordance with the lines and grades indicated on the approved grading plan.


    Natural features within the proposed development. These include drainage channels, bodies of water, and other known significant features such as extensive exposed rock. On all water courses the direction of flow shall be indicated. The 100-year floodplain shall be delineated and the source of the depicted floodplain information shall be indicated (i.e., reference to map panel numbers and dates). The acreage or area in square feet within the floodplain shall be indicated. See article 10 of this UDC for additional requirements when development is proposed to be located in a floodplain or flood hazard area. The development plan shall also specify whether the property is located within an environmental overlay district (see article 5 of this UDC).


    Man-made features. These include those features existing within and adjacent to the proposed development including existing right-of-way width and pavement widths of adjoining streets, street names, the location and dimensions of existing bridges, easements (all purposes), culverts and other drainage facilities (see article 11 of this UDC for requirements), water, sewer, and other existing utility lines and structures, the names of jurisdiction lines; existing structures on the site and their disposition, and other appropriate built-environment information.


    Trees, buffers, landscaping. If buffers or other landscaping or screening treatments are required, show the location, size, and type (natural or planted) on the plans conforming to the requirements of article 12 of this UDC, as applicable.


    Utilities and other easements. Easements for water and sanitary sewer as may be required by the Jackson County Water and Sewerage Authority or other utility provider with jurisdiction.


    Standard drawings. The department of public development may require that the development plans include standard drawings adopted by Jackson County (see article 23 of this UDC), or a standard drawing of any utility provider with jurisdiction over the development project. Where no standard drawing is available but is needed as determined by the director of public development, the applicant's engineer or designer shall provide any such standard drawing requested.


    Engineer's certification. A block on the cover page of the development plans shall be provided as follows:

    "Engineer's Certification

    It is hereby certified that these development plans were prepared using a survey of the property prepared by ___________, RLS, and dated ___________; and further that the proposed development meets the requirements of the Jackson County Unified Development Code as applicable to this property.

    By (name): ___________
    Signed: ___________
    Professional Engineer No. ___________
    Address: ___________
    Telephone No. ___________
    Date: ___________



    Owner's certification. A block on the cover page of the development plans shall be provided as follows:

    "Owner's Certification

    As the owner of this land, as shown on this development plan, or his agent, I certify that these drawings were made from an actual survey, and that they accurately portray existing land and its features and the proposed development and improvements thereto.

    Date: ___________
    Owner or Agent Name: ___________
    Signed: ___________"



    Signature blocks for plan approvals. A signature block for development plan approval, as follows (as applicable):

    "Water and Sewer Provider Certification

    This development, as shown on these plans, has been reviewed and is approved for construction activity only in that it has been designed to meet the requirements of the ___________ Standard Drawings and Specification with regard to:

    WATER SUPPLY (Strike through if not applicable)

    SEWAGE DISPOSAL (Strike through if not applicable)

    And that all of the proposed utility easements to be dedicated to ___________ are shown on the construction drawings.

    The [insert name of water/sewer provider] is not responsible for the adequacy of the design, which is the sole responsibility of the engineer of record who stamped and sealed the plans.

    Dated this _____ Day of ___________, 20_____.



    "Environmental Health Department Certification

    The lots shown on these plans have been reviewed by the Jackson County Environmental Health Department and are approved for preliminary subdivision site work only.

    Dated this ______Day of ___________, 20_____.



    "Jackson County Roads Department Certification

    The development shown on these plans has been reviewed by the Jackson County Roads Department and the improvement shown within the county right-of-way are approved for construction.

    Dated this _____ Day of ___________, 20_____.

    Jackson County Roads Superintendent"


    "Certificate of Project Approval

    All applicable requirements of the Jackson County Unified Development Code having been fulfilled, approval of these development plans is hereby granted by the Jackson County Director of Public Development, subject to further compliance with all provisions of said development code.

    Dated this _____ Day of ___________, 20_____.

    Jackson County Director of Public Development


    This development permit and approved plans shall remain in effect for a period of 6 consecutive months after which time the permit and plans will become null and void and a new permit will be required if no development activity has begun and has been diligently pursued. The timeline as indicated on these development plans will be required to be followed, and if at any time the project becomes behind 3 months or more the development permit will become null and void and a new development permit will be required. If the development permit becomes null and void a new Certificate of Project Approval must be applied for and additional fees paid. All new codes and standards will be required to be followed.



    Additional information. Such additional information as specified by this UDC or as may be reasonably required to allow an adequate evaluation of the development proposal.

(Ord. No. 17-003 , § 1, 10-2-2017)