§ 26-20. Definitions.  

Latest version.
  • The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this article, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:

    Alarm system means any mechanized and/or electronic device or set of devices intended to detect and signal the need for police at a premises in which such device or set of devices is installed.

    Alarm user means, with respect to any premises, any person who owns, leases, manages, or otherwise controls such premises, whether such ownership, leasing, management, or control is shared with other persons and whether it is direct or indirect.

    Auto-dialer means any device or equipment designed or intended to call a predesignated telephone number in the event of an activation of the alarm system.

    False alarm means the transmittal of a request for response or assistance to the county sheriff's office under circumstances where no emergency warranting law enforcement protection existed at the time of such transmittal is made either automatically by an alarm system or by an individual in reliance upon an alarm system.

    Law enforcement officer means any sworn member of the county sheriff's office.

    Premises means any structure or improvement to real property or any such structure or other improvement which is intended for separate use and occupancy apart from other portions thereof.

    Response means the dispatch of a law enforcement officer to the premises where an alarm system has been activated.

    Responsible person means, with respect to any premises, any individual or entity, which owns, leases, manages, or otherwise controls such premises, whether such ownership, management, or control is shared with other persons or entities and whether it is direct or indirect.

    Transmit means to send either manually or automatically, by any device or method, a signal to request a response for assistance from the county sheriff's office.

(Code 2005, § 50-32; Ord. of 7-11-2000(2), § 1)