§ 2-154. Procurement levels of authority.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Purchases of less than $5,000.00 may be authorized by the department head of the using agency. The using agency must determine that the price is fair and reasonable. One method of this is to obtain and document a minimum of three phone quotes prior to initiating a purchase. The using agency is responsible for ensuring the vendor is established in the accounts payable system. Once the goods or services have been completed, the department should process purchase order receiving and invoice entry in the financial system. The department should process invoices in a timely manner. It is the responsibility of the department head to ensure funding for the purchase is available before the order is processed to the vendor.


    Purchases over $5,000.00 but under $15,000.00 may be authorized by the finance director or the purchasing manager with a purchase order. The purchasing manager or the using agency must obtain and document a minimum of three written quotes prior to initiating a purchase order or justify the absence. It is the responsibility of the department head to ensure funding for the purchase is available before the order is processed to the vendor.


    Purchases over $15,000.00 but under $30,000.00 may be authorized by the county manager. The purchasing manager must obtain and document a minimum of three written quotes prior to initiating the purchase order. The authorization for the procurement of the supplies, material or services in this monetary range must be specifically addressed in the approved fiscal year budget or by written authority of the county manager.


    Purchases over $30,000.00 may only be awarded by the board of commissioners. The purchasing manager will obtain and document sealed bids and/or proposals through the sealed bid/proposal process that has been formally advertised per federal, state, and local laws and ordinances. After the board of commissioners has awarded the bid and/or contract, the county manager may sign the purchase order for the procurement of the goods as necessary. All contracts must be signed by the chairperson of the board of commissioners.


    Purchases of the following items require the review and approval of a specific department before the purchase can be initiated. In some cases, the purchase must be accomplished through the department where the item has been approved for purchase in the departmental budget. If the item being purchase exceeds $10,000.00, it constitutes a county asset and therefore, the procurement is governed by the county fixed asset policy. These specialty items and the approving department are:

    Information technology equipment/accessories/software—IT department.

    Vehicles and equipment—Fleet maintenance.

    Building repairs and equipment—Facilities maintenance.

(Ord. No. 17-004 , § 4, 2-20-2017)