§ 8-125. Restraint and control of classified dogs.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Dangerous dogs; confinement and restraint. In addition to the requirements of section 8-124, it shall be the duty of owners of dogs classified as dangerous dogs to restrain the dog in the following manner:


    When upon the property of the owner:


    Dangerous dogs shall be securely confined on the owner's property, indoors, or in a securely locked and enclosed pen, fence, or structure suitable to prevent the dog from leaving such property; and


    Clearly visible warning signs must be posted at all entrances to the premises where the dog resides.


    Dangerous dogs shall not be permitted off the property of the owner unless:


    Restrained by a leash not to exceed six feet in length and is under the immediate physical control of a person capable of preventing the dog from engaging any other human or animal when necessary;


    Contained in a closed and locked cage or crate; or


    The dog is working or training as a hunting dog, herding dog, or predator control dog.


    Vicious dogs; confinement and restraint. In addition to the requirements of section 8-124, it shall be the duty of owners of dogs classified as vicious dogs to restrain the dog in the following manner:


    When upon the property of the owner:


    Vicious dogs shall be securely confined on the owner's property, indoors, or in a securely locked and enclosed pen, fence, or structure suitable to prevent the dog from leaving such property; and


    Clearly visible warning signs must be posted at all entrances to the premises where the dog resides.


    Vicious dogs shall not be permitted off the property of the owner unless:


    The dog is muzzled and restrained by a leash not to exceed six feet in length and is under the immediate physical control of a person capable of preventing the dog from engaging any other human or animal when necessary; or


    Contained in a closed and locked cage or crate.


    In any prosecution under this section, a dog found running at large may be held by county animal control as evidence of a violation. Such holding is at the discretion of the prosecuting attorney, and the animal may be released at the conclusion of the prosecution. A person convicted under this section may be required to surrender control of the animal in question to the county animal control and the animal will be dealt with in the discretion of county animal control.


    Release from proper enclosure without due care or control a violation of chapter. Any person who releases a classified dog from restraint or its proper enclosure, either willfully or through failure to exercise due care or control, in such a manner which is likely to cause injury to another person or damage to the property of another person shall be in violation of this chapter.

(Ord. No. 16-008 , 12-19-2016)