§ 11. [Powers and authority of board.]  

Latest version.
  • The board of commissioners shall have the power and authority to fix and establish, by appropriate resolution entered on its minutes, policies, rules and regulations governing all matters reserved to its exclusive jurisdiction. Such policies, rules and regulations, when so adopted with proper entry thereof made on the minutes of the board of commissioners, shall be conclusive and binding. The board of commissioners shall exercise only those administrative powers which are necessarily and properly incident to its functions as a policy-making or rule-making body or which are necessary to compel enforcement of its adopted resolutions. The following powers are vested in the board of commissioners and reserved to its exclusive jurisdiction:


    To levy taxes;


    To make appropriations;


    To fix rates and charges for services provided by the county;


    To authorize the incurring of indebtedness;


    To order work done where the cost is to be assessed against benefited property and to fix the basis for such assessment;


    To authorize and provide for the execution of contracts;


    To establish, alter, open, close, build, repair or abolish public roads, bridges and ferries, according to law; provided, however, that the chairperson shall have the authority to accept subdivision plats when the requirements established by the board of commissioners for subdivisions have been met;


    To accept, for the county, the provisions of any optional statute where the statute permits its acceptance by the governing authority of the county;


    To exercise all powers, duties and authority in respect to zoning and planning;


    To create and change the boundaries of special taxing districts authorized by law;


    To fix the bonds of county officers where the same are not fixed by statute;


    To enact any ordinances or other legislation which the county may be given authority to enact;


    To determine the priority of capital improvements;


    To call elections for the voting of bonds;


    Except as otherwise provided in this act [article], to exercise all of the powers and authority which may be delegated by law to the governing authority of the county, by whatever name designated; and


    To appoint retained legal counsel and an independent county auditor and provide for their compensation.