§ 3-006. Agricultural and residential use separation.  

Latest version.
  • Adequate separation shall be provided between certain agricultural uses, structures or operations and neighboring residences, as defined and required by this section.


    Principal agricultural use defined. For purposes of this section, principal agricultural use is defined as any of the following uses, structures or operations: active poultry house, feed lot, hog parlor, milking parlor, or manure or other agricultural waste storage impoundment site (this does not restrict the spreading of manure on pastures or fields).


    Accessory agricultural use defined. For purposes of this section, accessory agricultural use shall include: agricultural buildings and structures used for storage or operations, maintenance, or processing of non-animal products; any enclosures for the housing or breeding of animals; horse stables containing more than four stalls; and any corral, pen, open air arena, dressage ring, or other similar improved or constructed riding area or facility except for pasture.


    Distance defined. For purposes of this section, distances shall be measured in a straight line from the nearest point of any existing residence other than that on the same site as a principal agricultural use, and the nearest point of the principal agricultural use.


    Principal agriculture to residence. Principal agricultural uses defined in this section shall be located no closer than 300 feet to any existing residence, excluding any residence on the same site as the principal agricultural use.


    Accessory agriculture to residence. Accessory agricultural uses defined in this section shall be located no closer than 150 feet to any existing residence, excluding any residence on the same site as the accessory agricultural use.

(Ord. No. 17-003 , § 1, 10-2-2017)