§ 439. Street and pedestrian network connectivity standards.  

Latest version.
  • This section shall apply to all nonresidential or multi-family developments and any single-family residential development of five or more acres.


    Continuation of streets. All development plans shall incorporate and continue all collector, local, or access streets stubbed to the boundary of the development plan by previously approved development plans or existing development.


    Future street connections. All development plans shall provide for future public street connections (of a street type approved by the public development director) to adjacent developable parcels by providing a street connection spaced at intervals not to exceed 600 feet along each development plan boundary that abuts potentially developable or redevelopable land.


    Maximum local street length. No local street may be longer than 600 feet without an intersection with another local through street. Cul-de-sac streets shall not count as through streets.


    Maximum cul-de-sac street length. Dead-end streets, including cul-de-sac streets, shall not exceed 300 feet in length and shall not serve more than 30 dwelling units.


    Interparcel vehicular access. Developments abutting an arterial or collector street shall provide an access street to abutting commercial or multi-family residential development, whether existing or planned (i.e., according to either the zoning map and/or the future land use map, as determined by the public development director), so as to provide a vehicular connection among all adjacent parcels also abutting an arterial or collector street. This requirement may necessitate driveway aprons, stub-outs, or other design features to provide for cross-connection access to abutting properties as determined by the public development director.


    Interparcel pedestrian access. New commercial or multi-family residential development that abuts a planned, new or existing multi-family residential property or commercial property shall provide for a six-foot wide sidewalk connecting the two uses. This provision shall require such developments to construct the required sidewalk to the property line so that it may be continued by the adjacent development for future connectivity.


    Cul-de-sac pedestrian connection. A cul-de-sac street that ends within 200 feet of the right-of-way of an adjacent collector or arterial street shall provide a six-foot wide sidewalk within a minimum ten-foot wide easement connecting the sidewalk on the cul-de-sac to the sidewalk on the adjacent collector or arterial street.


    Internal pedestrian connections. Sidewalks shall be provided to connect building entrances to required sidewalks along street frontage.


    Recorded easement agreement required. Whenever easements are required to facilitate compliance of a development with the standards in this section, an easement agreement must be drafted by the developer and/or property owner and approved by the public development director prior to approval of development plans. Said agreement must allow vehicular and pedestrian access from neighboring developments as they currently exist or any future developments as provided in this section. Said agreement must also be noted on all development plans, and the easement agreement must be recorded in the records of the Jackson County Superior Court Clerk.

(Ord. No. 17-003 , § 1, 10-2-2017)